Our attention is limited and our memory is imperfect

Short term memory has been theorized as being a separate store in the brain where information is stored temporarily after entering through either audio or visual systems or retrieved from long term memory. This is not the case though, as it is more closely linked to our perception than previously thought.

Long term memory

Memories are stored long term when repetition takes place, thus neurons grow and branch out, forming connections with others. New perceptions that seem similar to to the original, results in recognition; whereas where there are no prior experiences (which would have formed connections between neurons) activates a separate set of neural activities that activate a specific pattern and results in recall. Long term memory can be broken up into three functions:

  1. Semantic long term stores facts, and relationships;

  2. Episodic long term records past events;

  3. And procedural remembers action sequences.

Short term memory

Short term memory is all about the right now that focuses on our immediate surroundings. This is also known as working memory. Its like the eye in The Lord of the Rings. Anything in its immediate path has all of the attention, and then is plunged into darkness when the focus shifts.

Attention is highly selective and focused

We only care about what is directly around us that affects how we accomplish our goals. If it’s not important, we ignore it. Besides focusing primarily on goals, our attention is especially drawn to:

  1. Detecting motion which can save our life (ex. A car swerving into your lane)

  2. Threats

  3. Faces of other people

  4. Sex and food

These things are involuntary detected. Our perceptual system detects something attention worthy and directs our attention.

Capacity of attention: Working memory

The capacity of working memory was thought to be around seven plus or minus two. However, some researchers found it to be less — more like four plus or minus one.

Implications of working memory characteristics for user interface design


Mode based user interface design (ex camera shutter button either taking a picture or shooting video) should be used with caution as the user may not remember what setting they’re in and perform an action they hadn’t intended on. This is why a design should have adequate mode feedback to alert the user as to what will happen given the mode selection.

Search results

When users want to find something, they type in a search term and their focus shifts from the term to the results and the term itself id forgotten.

Calls to action

Having multiple calls to action is counter productive as the user will only focus one of the actions (usually the first), and not proceed any further. Once a user has specified a goal, don’t distract them by offering another option.


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